How to run SeaQuery statement on SeaORM?

I have a complex query written in SeaQuery and I wish to run it on SeaORM.

fn main() {
let attr_stmt = Query::select()
        Expr::tbl(EntityIden::Entity, EntityIden::Id)
            .equals(EntityAttrIden::EntityAttribute, EntityAttrIden::EntityId),

You need to first build the SeaQuery statement into Statement with StatementBuilder.

fn main() {
let attr_stmt = Query::select() // Snip...

let builder = db.get_database_backend();
let stmt: Statement =;

Then, you can run the statement and fetch the result:

  1. As QueryResult
fn main() {
let attr_stmt = Query::select() // Snip...
let builder = db.get_database_backend();

let query_res: Option<QueryResult> = db

let query_res = query_res.unwrap();
let name: String = query_res.try_get("", "name")?;

let query_res_vec: Vec<QueryResult> = db
  1. Or, as any struct that implemented FromQueryResult
fn main() {
let attr_stmt = Query::select() // Snip...
let builder = db.get_database_backend();

#[derive(Debug, Clone, FromQueryResult)]
struct AttributeMeta {
    name: String,
    datatype: Datatype,

let attributes: Vec<AttributeMeta> = AttributeMeta::find_by_statement(