Stream query result - no method named try_next

You can stream the query result to reduce memory allocation and improve efficiency.

fn main() {
// Stream all fruits
let mut stream = Fruit::find().stream(db).await?;

while let Some(item) = stream.try_next().await? {
    let item: fruit::ActiveModel = item.into();
    // do something with item

However, you might encountered an error like no method named try_next. If that so, you need to update your Cargo.toml at your project root.

futures = "0.3"

Then, import futures::TryStreamExt into the scope.

fn main() {
// Import the trait where `try_next` method is defined.
use futures::TryStreamExt;

// Stream all fruits
let mut stream = Fruit::find().stream(db).await?;

while let Some(item) = stream.try_next().await? {
    let item: fruit::ActiveModel = item.into();
    // do something with item

You're good to go. Compile the project again and enjoy!