Database Change Capture

Documentation on transaction in SeaORM:, and see here for definitions

Sometimes it is important to have a log/history of what is changed in the database. One way to do this is to enclose the changes in a transaction, and perform the change capturing.

For example, here is a bundle of validation and change capture, all done within a transaction:

fn main() {
// Some kind of error type
type E;

// Function to perform change capture
async fn change_capture(object: &table_name::ActiveModel) -> Result<(), E> { ... }

// Function to perform validation
async fn validate(object: &table_name::ActiveModel) -> Result<(), E> { ... }

// ...

// Perform the transaction sandwiched between the validation and change capture
db.transaction::<_, ?, E>(|txn| {
    Box::pin(async move {




One thing about this method is that the transaction will be automatically cancelled if anything throws an error, which includes changes to the database done during change capture.