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Version: 0.4.x

Using sea-orm-cli

First, install sea-orm-cli with cargo.

$ cargo install sea-orm-cli

Configure Environment

Setting DATABASE_URL in your environment, or create a .env file in your project root. Specify your database connection.


Getting Help

Use -h flag on any CLI command or subcommand for help.

# List all available commands
$ sea-orm-cli -h

# List all subcommands available in `generate` command
$ sea-orm-cli generate -h

# Show how to use `generate entity` subcommand
$ sea-orm-cli generate entity -h

Generating Entity Files

Discover all tables in a database and generate a corresponding SeaORM entity file for each table.

Generating Entity files from SQLite is not yet supported. You can write the entity files by hand, and then use the Entity to initialize a database.

Command line options:

  • -u / --database-url: database URL (default: DATABASE_URL specified in ENV)
  • -s / --database-schema: database schema (default: DATABASE_SCHEMA specified in ENV)
    • For MySQL, this argument is ignored
    • For PostgreSQL, this argument is optional with default value 'public'
  • -o / --output-dir: entity file output directory (default: current directory)
  • -v / --verbose: print debug messages
  • --include-hidden-tables: generate entity files from hidden tables (table names starting with an underscore are ignored by default)
  • --compact-format: Generate entity file of compact format (default: true)
  • --expanded-format: Generate entity file of expanded format
  • --with-serde: Automatically derive serde Serialize / Deserialize traits for the entity (none, serialize, deserialize, both) (default: none)
# Generate entity files of database `bakery` to `src/entity`
$ sea-orm-cli generate entity \
-u sql://sea:sea@localhost/bakery \
-o src/entity