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Β· 6 min read

πŸŽ‰ We are pleased to release SeaQuery 0.32.0 / 0.32.1! Here are some feature highlights 🌟:

New Features​

Unify Expr and SimpleExpr Methods with ExprTrait #791​

Previously, "operator" methods (e.g. add, eq) are duplicated across Expr and SimpleExpr, but the list of methods is slightly different for each. And since Expr and SimpleExpr are distinct types, it makes writing generic code difficult.

The ExprTrait looks like this:

pub trait ExprTrait: Sized {
// Required methods
fn as_enum<N>(self, type_name: N) -> SimpleExpr
where N: IntoIden;
fn binary<O, R>(self, op: O, right: R) -> SimpleExpr
where O: Into<BinOper>,
R: Into<SimpleExpr>;
fn cast_as<N>(self, type_name: N) -> SimpleExpr
where N: IntoIden;
fn unary(self, o: UnOper) -> SimpleExpr;

// Provided methods
fn add<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr where R: Into<SimpleExpr> { ... }
fn and<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr where R: Into<SimpleExpr> { ... }
fn between<A, B>(self, a: A, b: B) -> SimpleExpr
where A: Into<SimpleExpr>,
B: Into<SimpleExpr> { ... }
fn div<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr where R: Into<SimpleExpr> { ... }
fn eq<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr where R: Into<SimpleExpr> { ... }
fn equals<C>(self, col: C) -> SimpleExpr where C: IntoColumnRef { ... }

// omitting the where clause below to make it more concise ..

fn gt<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn gte<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn in_subquery(self, sel: SelectStatement) -> SimpleExpr;
fn in_tuples<V, I>(self, v: I) -> SimpleExpr;
fn is<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn is_in<V, I>(self, v: I) -> SimpleExpr;
fn is_not<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn is_not_in<V, I>(self, v: I) -> SimpleExpr;
fn is_not_null(self) -> SimpleExpr;
fn is_null(self) -> SimpleExpr;
fn left_shift<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn like<L>(self, like: L) -> SimpleExpr;
fn lt<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn lte<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn modulo<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn mul<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn ne<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn not(self) -> SimpleExpr;
fn not_between<A, B>(self, a: A, b: B) -> SimpleExpr;
fn not_equals<C>(self, col: C) -> SimpleExpr;
fn not_in_subquery(self, sel: SelectStatement) -> SimpleExpr;
fn not_like<L>(self, like: L) -> SimpleExpr;
fn or<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn right_shift<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn sub<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn bit_and<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
fn bit_or<R>(self, right: R) -> SimpleExpr;
  • Added ExprTrait to unify Expr and SimpleExpr methods
  • Added impl<T> ExprTrait for T where T: Into<SimpleExpr> to maintain backwards compatibility for all Into<SimpleExpr> types, such as Value and FunctionCall
  • Added trait PgExpr: ExprTrait: database specific expression for Postgres and impl PgExpr for FunctionCall, ColumnRef, Keyword, LikeExpr, Value
  • Added trait SqliteExpr: ExprTrait: database specific expression for SQLite and impl SqliteExpr for FunctionCall, ColumnRef, Keyword, LikeExpr, Value

Support of Postgres Vector #774​


Expr::col(Char::Character).eq(Expr::val(pgvector::Vector::from(vec![1.0, 2.0])))
r#"SELECT "character" FROM "character" WHERE "character" = '[1,2]'"#

Support Partial Index #478​

  • Support partial index CREATE INDEX .. WHERE ..

Example (Postgres):

r#"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "partial-index-glyph-image-not-null" ON "glyph" ("image") NULLS NOT DISTINCT WHERE "image" IS NOT NULL"#

Example (Sqlite):

r#"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "partial-index-glyph-image-not-null" ON "glyph" ("image") WHERE "image" IS NOT NULL"#

Get Null Value​

This one may seem a little bummer, but it is type system problem. In order to support the Postgres protocol, SeaQuery's Value enum does not have a Null variant. This new Value::as_null method allows you to:

  1. construct a typed null value
  2. nullify a value
  3. define generic functions (impl Into<Value>)
let v = Value::Int(Some(2));
let n = v.as_null();

assert_eq!(n, Value::Int(None));

// one liner:
assert_eq!(Into::<Value>::into(2.2).as_null(), Value::Double(None));

Bitwise AND/OR Operators #841​


let query = Query::select()

r#"SELECT (1 & 2) = 3"#
let query = Query::select()

r#"SELECT (1 | 2) = 3"#


  • #817 Replaced Educe with manual implementations
    • This is an effort to cut down compilation time
  • #844 Added GREATEST & LEAST function
  • #836 Added ValueType::enum_type_name()
  • #835 Removed "one common table" restriction on recursive CTE


We've finally done it! Removing the last bit of syn v1 from our dependency tree:

sea-query % cargo tree |grep 'syn '
β”‚ └── syn v2.0.39
β”‚ β”‚ └── syn v2.0.39 (*)
β”‚ └── syn v2.0.39 (*)
β”œβ”€β”€ syn v2.0.39 (*)
└── syn v2.0.39 (*)
β”‚ β”‚ └── syn v2.0.39 (*)
  • Merged #[enum_def] into sea-query-derive
  • #769 #[enum_def] now impl additional IdenStatic and AsRef<str>


We've merged this crate into sea-query-derive, and they will be maintained together from now on.

  • Updated syn, heck and darling
  • sea-query-attr is now deprecated


  • #798 Upgraded sqlx to 0.8
  • #798 Upgraded bigdecimal to 0.4
  • #802 Upgraded rusqlite to 0.32

Integration Examples​

SeaQuery plays well with the other crates in the rust ecosystem.

Community​ is an independent open-source organization run by passionate ️developers. If you like our projects, please star ⭐ and share our repositories. If you feel generous, a small donation via GitHub Sponsor will be greatly appreciated, and goes a long way towards sustaining the organization 🚒.

SeaQuery is a community driven project. We welcome you to participate, contribute and together build for Rust's future πŸ¦€.

Rustacean Sticker Pack πŸ¦€β€‹

The Rustacean Sticker Pack is the perfect way to express your passion for Rust. Our stickers are made with a premium water-resistant vinyl with a unique matte finish. Stick them on your laptop, notebook, or any gadget to show off your love for Rust!

Moreover, all proceeds contributes directly to the ongoing development of SeaQL projects.

Sticker Pack Contents:

  • Logo of SeaQL projects: SeaQL, SeaORM, SeaQuery, Seaography, FireDBG
  • Mascot of SeaQL: Terres the Hermit Crab
  • Mascot of Rust: Ferris the Crab
  • The Rustacean word

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Rustacean Sticker Pack by SeaQL

Β· 4 min read
Chris Tsang

πŸŽ‰ We are pleased to release SeaStreamer 0.5.x!

Here is the summary of new features and enhancements:


  • Added From<Url> and FromIterator<Url> for StreamerUri #28
  • Impl Default for Payload
  • Impl serde Serialize & Deserialize for StreamKey (enabled by the feature flag serde), so this is now possible:
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct MyStruct {
stream_key: StreamKey,


  • The Socket library can now be compiled without the stdio backend #35


  • Support nanosecond timestamp in Redis (under feature flag nanosecond-timestamp). Redis's default Stream ID resolution is millisecond, and it can be changed to nanosecond with RedisConnectOptions::set_timestamp_format:
    let mut options = RedisConnectOptions::default();
  • Added RedisConnectOptions::set_message_field to set custom message field (the default used to be msg):
    let mut options = RedisConnectOptions::default();
  • Added RedisProducer::send_with_ts to specify custom timestamp:
    producer.send_with_ts(&stream_key, timestamp, message)?;
  • Added RedisProducer::flush_immut. This method is same as RedisProducer::flush but without &mut self
  • Added RedisProducer::trim to perform XTRIM MAXLEN:
    producer.trim(&stream_key, maxlen).await?;
  • Fixed capacity overflow error in some cases


  • Added a special SEA_STREAMER_WILDCARD stream key to subscribe to all streams in a file:
    let consumer: SeaConsumer = streamer
    .create_consumer(&[StreamKey::new(SEA_STREAMER_WILDCARD)?], options)


We've shipped the first component library for stream processing! It currently only has one class, StreamJoin.

It is designed to be used in stream replay. In live streaming, if you have multiple streams from different sources and you want to multiplex them together, you can use the awesome futures_concurrency crate's Merge, and it just works!

use futures_concurrency::{stream::Merge, vec::Merge as Merged};

let consumers: Vec<SeaConsumer> = vec![stream_a, stream_b];
let streams: Vec<SeaMessageStream<'a>> = consumers.iter_mut().map(|ss|;
let merged: Merged<SeaMessageStream<'a>> = streams.merge();

stream_a and stream_b can be heterogeneous, meaning they can be Kafka, Redis or even File.

How about in replay? In replay, different streams can flow at different pace, and thus if we try to naively merge them, the messages would come out-of-order.

To solve this problem, you can use StreamJoin::muxed:

type LiveStream<'a> = Merged<SeaMessageStream<'a>>;
let joined: StreamJoin<LiveStream<'a>, SeaMessage<'a>, StreamErr<BackendErr>> = StreamJoin::muxed(merged);

StreamJoin::align must be called manually to specify which streams should be aligned. Otherwise, messages will be out of order until the first message of each key arrives. Imagine a severely delayed stream sending its first message one day later; it would invalidate everything that came before it. However, the issue lies with the delayed stream itself, not the others.

In the example below, messages from the fast stream will be buffered, until a message from the slow stream arrives.

fast | (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
slow | (2) (6)

Messages 1, 2 from fast will be buffered, until 2 from the slow stream arrives. Likewise, messages 3, 4, 5 will be buffered until 6 arrives.

The StreamJoin component is generic, and can actually be used outside of SeaStreamer, the only requirement is that the thing we want to align implements sea_streamer::Message:

impl Message for MyMessage {
fn stream_key(&self) -> StreamKey { /* implement this */ }

fn timestamp(&self) -> Timestamp { /* implement this */ }

fn shard_id(&self) -> ShardId { /* doesn't matter */ }

fn sequence(&self) -> SeqNo { /* doesn't matter */ }

fn message(&self) -> Payload { /* doesn't matter */ }


Over the past year, we've been using SeaStreamer heavily in production and it served us well!

SeaStreamer File is really handy, because it supports live streaming and also duals as an archive, in which it can be rotated and uploaded to the data lake every day. It has replaced our use of Redis in some same-host mpmc streaming scenario.

Redis Streams is also super nice (fast and reliable) and especially easy with SeaStreamer. IMO it's been underrated, it became our default choice for cross-host streaming.

By the way, SeaStreamer File is used as the tracing file format in FireDBG.

Community​ is an independent open-source organization run by passionate ️developers. If you like our projects, please star ⭐ and share our repositories. If you feel generous, a small donation via GitHub Sponsor will be greatly appreciated, and goes a long way towards sustaining the organization 🚒.

SeaStreamer is a community driven project. We welcome you to participate, contribute and together build for Rust's future πŸ¦€.

Β· 7 min read
Billy Chan

In this tutorial, we would develop a GraphQL based admin dashboard with Seaography and Loco.

Read our first and second tutorial of the series, Getting Started with Loco & SeaORM, Adding GraphQL Support to Loco with Seaography, if you haven't.

The full source code can be found here.

What is Seaography​

Seaography is a GraphQL framework for building GraphQL resolvers using SeaORM entities. It ships with a CLI tool that can generate ready-to-compile Rust GraphQL servers from existing MySQL, Postgres and SQLite databases.

Setup React-Admin Frontend Boilerplate​

We use React-Admin as the frontend framework. It provides a convenient boilerplate to start with:

$ npm init react-admin frontend

Select the data provider you want to use, and validate with Enter:
❯ None
I'll configure the data provider myself.

Select the auth provider you want to use, and validate with Enter:
❯ Hard coded local username/password

Enter the name of a resource you want to add, and validate with Enter (leave empty to finish):
❯ (Leave empty and press Enter)

How do you want to install the dependencies?
❯ Using npm

Run the boilerplate then visit http://localhost:5173/, you should see the welcome page:

$ cd frontend

$ npm install

$ npm run dev

> dev
> vite

VITE v4.5.3 ready in 440 ms

➜ Local: http://localhost:5173/

Now, we want to display the React-Admin data table template with mock data. First, we need to add ra-data-json-server dependency, it provides a ready-to-go mock data loader:

$ npm install ra-data-json-server

To prepare the mock data loader, we create a new file:

import jsonServerProvider from 'ra-data-json-server';

export const dataProvider = jsonServerProvider('');

Then, we change the UI file:

+ import { Admin, Resource, ListGuesser, ShowGuesser } from 'react-admin';
+ import { dataProvider } from './dataProvider';

- <React.StrictMode>
- <App />
- </React.StrictMode>
+ <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
+ <Resource name="users" list={ListGuesser} show={ShowGuesser} />
+ </Admin>

Run the boilerplate now you should see the user listing page:

$ npm run dev

Click on each row to view its detail page.

Add NPM dependency​

Next, we start to integrate our Loco and Seaography backend with React-Admin frontend. We use axios for sending POST request to our GraphQL backend:

$ npm install axios

GraphQL Data Provider​

Then, we can start implementing the GraphQL data provider by replacing the content of dataProvider.ts:

- import jsonServerProvider from 'ra-data-json-server';
- export const dataProvider = jsonServerProvider('');

Integrating with our GraphQL endpoint at http://localhost:3000/api/graphql. We implemented two handler below, one fetch data for the post listing and the other to fetch data for a single post:

import { DataProvider } from "react-admin";
import axios from 'axios';

const apiUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/api/graphql';

export const dataProvider: DataProvider = {
// Fetch data for post listing
getList: (resource, params) => {
// Paginator status
const { page, perPage } = params.pagination;
// Sorter status
const { field, order } = params.sort;

// POST request to GraphQL endpoint
return, {
query: `
query {
notes (
orderBy: { ${field}: ${order} },
pagination: { page: { limit: ${perPage}, page: ${page - 1} }}
) {
nodes {
paginationInfo {
.then((response) => {
// Unwrap the response
const { nodes, paginationInfo } =;
// Return the data array and total number of pages
return {
data: nodes,

// Fetch data for a single post
getOne: (resource, params) => {
// POST request to GraphQL endpoint
return, {
query: `
query {
notes(filters: {id: {eq: ${}}}) {
nodes {
.then((response) => {
// Unwrap the response
const { nodes } =;
// Return the one and only data
return {
data: nodes[0],

getMany: (resource, params) => { },

getManyReference: (resource, params) => { },

update: (resource, params) => { },

updateMany: (resource, params) => { },

create: (resource, params) => { },

delete: (resource, params) => { },

deleteMany: (resource, params) => { },

Customize React-Admin Frontend​

Replace the React-Admin template frontend with our own custom UI to list all notes from the database.

- ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')!).render(
- <Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
- <Resource name="users" list={ListGuesser} show={ShowGuesser} />
- </Admin>
- );

Implement the list and details page with specific columns:

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import { Admin, Resource, List, Datagrid, TextField, Show, SimpleShowLayout } from 'react-admin';
import { dataProvider } from './dataProvider';

const PostList = () => (
<Datagrid bulkActionButtons={false}>
<TextField source="id" />
<TextField source="title" />
<TextField source="content" />
<TextField source="createdAt" />
<TextField source="updatedAt" />

const PostShow = () => (
<TextField source="id" />
<TextField source="title" />
<TextField source="content" />
<TextField source="createdAt" />
<TextField source="updatedAt" />

<Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
<Resource name="posts" list={PostList} show={PostShow} />

Auth Free GraphQL Endpoint​

Disabled user authentication on GraphQL POST handler endpoint for convenient:

async fn graphql_handler(
- _auth: auth::JWT,
State(ctx): State<AppContext>,
req: Request<Body>,
) -> Result<Response> {
const DEPTH: usize = 1_000;
const COMPLEXITY: usize = 1_000;
// Construct the the GraphQL query root
let schema = query_root::schema(ctx.db.clone(), DEPTH, COMPLEXITY).unwrap();
// GraphQL handler
let mut graphql_handler = async_graphql_axum::GraphQL::new(schema);
// Execute GraphQL request and fetch the results
let res =;


Put It into Action!​

Run the React-Admin frontend:

$ cd frontend
$ npm run dev

Run the Loco backend:

$ cd backend
$ cargo run start

Visit http://localhost:5173/, you should see the post listing page:

We are fetching data from the GraphQL backend:

Click on column header to sort by the column in ascending or descending order:

Click on each row to view its detail page:


Adding GraphQL support to Loco application is easy with the help of Seaography. It is an ergonomic library that perfectly integrate with any frontend framework. This tutorial only cover the basic integration of LOco and Seaography including only the querying of data via the GraphQL endpoint. GraphQL mutations are not demonstrated and we leave it for you to code it out!

SQL Server Support​

SQL Server for SeaORM is now available as a closed beta. If you are interested`, please signup here.

Migrating from sea-orm to sea-orm-x is straightforward with two simple steps. First, update the existing sea-orm dependency to sea-orm-x and enable the sqlz-mssql feature. Note that you might need to patch SeaORM dependency for the upstream dependencies.

sea-orm = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x", features = ["runtime-async-std-rustls", "sqlz-mssql"] }
sea-orm-migration = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x/sea-orm-migration" }

# Patch SeaORM dependency for the upstream dependencies
sea-orm = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x" }
sea-orm-migration = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x/sea-orm-migration" }

Second, update the connection string to connect to the MSSQL database.

# If the schema is `dbo`, simply write:

# Or, specify the schema name by providing an extra `currentSchema` query param.

# You can trust peer certificate by providing an extra trustCertificate query param.

SeaORM X has full Loco support and integrate seamlessly with many web frameworks:

  • Actix
  • Axum
  • Async GraphQL
  • jsonrpsee
  • Loco
  • Poem
  • Salvo
  • Tonic

Happy Coding!

Β· 10 min read
SeaQL Team
SeaORM 1.0 Banner

πŸŽ‰ We are pleased to release SeaORM 1.0 today! This is an special occasion for us, so this blog post will be a little more than a release notes.

Our Journey​

It's nearly been three years since our SeaORM 0.2 release. At that time, we set out to build a SQL ORM for the async Rust ecosystem, bringing together the best crates to allow developers to build high-performance and robust web services.

We would like to thank all early-adoptors, contributors and sponsors of SeaORM. Thank you to all our users for your trust and for being a part of our journey.

Today, many startups and companies are building applications in Rust, with SeaORM being an integral part of the stack. We are particularly pleased to see application frameworks, such as Loco, that provide tight integration with SeaORM, thereby offering a streamlined developer experience.

I think we've achieved our initial goal! We understand that maturity and stability are important considerations for teams when making technology choices. Therefore, we believe it's now time to stabilize SeaORM.

New Features​

Here are the highlights of some new features and enhancements introduced in SeaORM 1.0.

Refreshed migration schema definition​

#2099 Thanks to the clever design made by Loco, we've refreshed the schema definition syntax.

An old migration script looks like this:

impl MigrationTrait for Migration {
async fn up(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
// ...

Now, using the new schema helpers, you can define the schema with a simplified syntax!

// Remember to import `sea_orm_migration::schema::*`
use sea_orm_migration::{prelude::*, schema::*};

pub struct Migration;

impl MigrationTrait for Migration {
async fn up(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
.col(pk_auto(Users::Id)) // Primary key with auto-increment
.col(uuid(Users::Pid)) // UUID column
.col(string_uniq(Users::Email)) // String column with unique and not null constraint
.col(string(Users::Password)) // String column
.col(string_null(Users::ResetToken)) // Nullable string column
.col(timestamp_null(Users::ResetSentAt)) // Nullable timestamp column

// ...

There are three variants for each commonly used column type:

  • <COLUMN_TYPE>() helper function, e.g. string(), define a non-null string column
  • <COLUMN_TYPE>_null() helper function, e.g. string_null(), define a nullable string column
  • <COLUMN_TYPE>_uniq() helper function, e.g. string_uniq(), define a non-null and unique string column

The new schema helpers can be used by importing sea_orm_migration::schema::*. The migration library is fully backward compatible, so there is no rush to migrate old scripts. The new syntax is recommended for new scripts, and all examples in the SeaORM repository have been updated for demonstration. For advanced use cases, the old SeaQuery syntax can still be used.

Reworked SQLite Type Mappings​

sea-orm#2077 sea-query#735 sea-schema#117 We've reworked the type mappings for SQLite across the SeaQL ecosystem, such that SeaQuery and SeaSchema are now reciprocal to each other. Migrations written with SeaQuery can be rediscovered by sea-orm-cli and generate compatible entities! In other words, the roundtrip is complete.

Data types will be mapped to SQLite types with a custom naming scheme following SQLite's affinity rule:

  • INTEGER: integer, tiny_integer, small_integer, big_integer and boolean are stored as integer
  • REAL: float, double, decimal and money are stored as real
  • BLOB: blob and varbinary_blob are stored as blob
  • TEXT: all other data types are stored as text, including string, char, text, json, uuid, date, time, datetime, timestamp, etc.

The full type mapping table is documented here. For more information, please refer to our previous blog post.

Alternative casing support for EntityModel & ActiveEnum​

#2170 Added rename_all attribute to DeriveEntityModel & DeriveActiveEnum

#[sea_orm(table_name = "user", rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Model {
id: i32,
first_name: String, // firstName
#[sea_orm(column_name = "lAsTnAmE")]
last_name: String, // lAsTnAmE

#[derive(EnumIter, DeriveActiveEnum)]
#[sea_orm(rs_type = "String", db_type = "String(StringLen::None)", rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub enum TestEnum {
DefaultVariant, // defaultVariant
#[sea_orm(rename = "kebab-case")]
VariantKebabCase, // variant-kebab-case
#[sea_orm(rename = "snake_case")]
VariantSnakeCase, // variant_snake_case
#[sea_orm(string_value = "CuStOmStRiNgVaLuE")]
CustomStringValue, // CuStOmStRiNgVaLuE

Other Enhancements​

  • #2185 PrimaryKeyArity trait with ARITY Constant
fn get_arity_of<E: EntityTrait>() -> usize {
E::PrimaryKey::iter().count() // before; runtime
<<E::PrimaryKey as PrimaryKeyTrait>::ValueType as PrimaryKeyArity>::ARITY // now; compile-time
  • #2137 DerivePartialModel macro attribute entity now supports syn::Type
#[sea_orm(entity = "<entity::Model as ModelTrait>::Entity")]
struct EntityNameNotAIdent {
#[sea_orm(from_col = "foo2")]
_foo: i32,
#[sea_orm(from_col = "bar2")]
_bar: String,
  • #2146 Added RelationDef::from_alias()
pub struct Cf;

"SELECT `cake`.`id`, `cake`.`name` FROM `cake`",
"LEFT JOIN `cake_filling` AS `cf` ON `cake`.`id` = `cf`.`cake_id`",
"LEFT JOIN `filling` ON `cf`.`filling_id` = `filling`.`id`",
.join(" ")
  • #2256 Added non-TLS runtime
  • #2244 Added Insert::on_conflict_do_nothing
  • #2255 Migration schema nullable column set NULL explicitly
  • #2194 Added ActiveValue::set_if_not_equals()
  • #2197 Added ActiveValue::try_as_ref()
  • #2228 Added QuerySelect::order_by_with_nulls
  • #2233 Expose get_xxx_connection_pool by default
  • #2148 Added QueryResult::column_names
  • #2199 [sea-orm-macro] Add @generated in generated code
  • #1665 [sea-orm-macro] Qualify traits in DeriveActiveModel macro
  • #2064 [sea-orm-cli] Fix migrate generate on empty files

Release Planning​

SQLx 0.8 is recently released! We want to upgrade from 0.7 as soon as possible. However, since sea-orm 1.0 has been in release candidate status for a while, and considering the breaking changes in sqlx 0.8, we decided to keep sea-orm 1.0 on sqlx 0.7.

We plan to release sea-orm 1.1 on sqlx 0.8 soon. To avoid unplanned build failures, we recommend all users to specify SeaORM dependency with tilde requirement:

sea-orm = { version = "~1.0" }

According to the Cargo Book, this will prevent automatic upgrade to 1.1, so you can perform the upgrade at a convenient time.

If you've been depending on sea-orm 0.12, you're recommended to upgrade to 1.0 today. As they're both using sqlx 0.7, this upgrade focuses on SeaORM. And then upgrade to 1.1 down the line, which will then focus on SQLx, as we won't introduce any breaking changes. We recommend taking it one step at a time!

SeaORM 1.x will be maintained for at least 1 year. By then, we'll decide whether we want to release 2.0 and/or extend the lifecycle of 1.x.

Our Future​

You may ask, does this mean SeaORM is "done"? No, not at all! SeaORM 1.0 provides us and the community a solid foundation to build more ambitious features around SeaORM. Here are some facets of our vision:

  1. GraphQL support via Seaography. We want to further develop Seaography to allow developers to turn a set of SeaORM entities into a fully-fledged GraphQL server!

  2. Admin dashboard. We want to build a first-class frontend framework for SeaORM. It will be a breeze to develop admin / client portals with SeaORM!

  3. Data science / analytics. SeaORM's been focusing on OLTP for now, and we're aware that people also have been using SeaORM for OLAP workloads. We want to provide better integration with dataframe libraries and develop more features tailored for data science and engineering.

  4. Scale-out features. We want to develop features to help with scaling applications, e.g. sharding, caching and multi-tenancy.

SQL Server Support​

We've been planning SQL Server for SeaORM for a while, and SQL Server is finally coming to SeaORM 1.0! It will first be offered as a closed beta to our partners. If you are interested, please join our waiting list.

A small donation will be greatly appreciated, and goes a long way towards sustaining the organization.

A big shout out to our sponsors πŸ˜‡:

Gold Sponsors​

osmos offers a data ingestion platform to streamline data ingestion, transformation and workflow management, and they're using SeaQL libraries under the hood!

Contact us if you also want to become a company sponsor and be featured here.

GitHub Sponsors​

Afonso Barracha
Dean Sheather
Marcus Buffett
Kentaro Tanaka
Naoki Ikeguchi
Miles Granger
Data Intuitive
Marlon Mueller-Soppart
Anshul Sanghi
Manfred Lee
Coolpany SE

Rustacean Sticker Pack πŸ¦€β€‹

The Rustacean Sticker Pack is the perfect way to express your passion for Rust. Our stickers are made with a premium water-resistant vinyl with a unique matte finish. Stick them on your laptop, notebook, or any gadget to show off your love for Rust!

Moreover, all proceeds contributes directly to the ongoing development of SeaQL projects.

Sticker Pack Contents:

  • Logo of SeaQL projects: SeaQL, SeaORM, SeaQuery, Seaography, FireDBG
  • Mascot of SeaQL: Terres the Hermit Crab
  • Mascot of Rust: Ferris the Crab
  • The Rustacean word

Support SeaQL and get a Sticker Pack!

Rustacean Sticker Pack by SeaQL

Β· 8 min read
Billy Chan

In this tutorial, we would add a GraphQL endpoint with Seaography based on our Loco starter application. Read our first tutorial of the series, Getting Started with Loco & SeaORM, if you haven't.

The full source code can be found here.

What is Seaography​

Seaography is a GraphQL framework for building GraphQL resolvers using SeaORM entities. It ships with a CLI tool that can generate ready-to-compile Rust GraphQL servers from existing MySQL, Postgres and SQLite databases.

Adding Dependency​

Modify Cargo.toml and add a few more dependencies: seaography, async-graphql, async-graphql-axum and lazy_static.

seaography = { version = "1.0.0-rc.4", features = ["with-decimal", "with-chrono"] }
async-graphql = { version = "7.0", features = ["decimal", "chrono", "dataloader", "dynamic-schema"] }
async-graphql-axum = { version = "7.0" }
lazy_static = { version = "1.4" }
tower-service = { version = "0.3" }

Setting up SeaORM Entities for Seaography​

Seaography Entities are basically SeaORM Entities with some additions. They are fully compatible with SeaORM.

You can generate Seaography Entities by using sea-orm-cli with the extra --seaography flag.

sea-orm-cli generate entity -o src/models/_entities -u postgres://loco:loco@localhost:5432/loco_seaography_development --seaography
use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "notes")]
pub struct Model {
pub created_at: DateTime,
pub updated_at: DateTime,
pub id: i32,
pub title: Option<String>,
pub content: Option<String>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)]
pub enum Relation {
#[sea_orm(has_many = "super::files::Entity")]

impl Related<super::files::Entity> for Entity {
fn to() -> RelationDef {

+ // Defining `RelatedEntity` to relate one entity with another
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelatedEntity)]
+ pub enum RelatedEntity {
+ #[sea_orm(entity = "super::files::Entity")]
+ Files,
+ }

We can see that a new enum RelatedEntity is generated in the Entity files. This helps Seaography to locate the related Entities for making relational queries.

Implementing GraphQL Query Root​

We have finished setting up SeaORM entity for Seaography. Now, we implement the query root of Seaography where we bridge SeaORM and Async GraphQL with the help of Seaography.

use async_graphql::dynamic::*;
use sea_orm::DatabaseConnection;
use seaography::{Builder, BuilderContext};

use crate::models::_entities::*;

lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref CONTEXT: BuilderContext = BuilderContext::default(); }

pub fn schema(
database: DatabaseConnection,
depth: usize,
complexity: usize,
) -> Result<Schema, SchemaError> {
// Builder of Seaography query root
let mut builder = Builder::new(&CONTEXT, database.clone());
// Register SeaORM entities
// List all models we want to include in the GraphQL endpoint here
[files, notes, users]
// Configure async GraphQL limits
let schema = builder
// The depth is the number of nesting levels of the field
// The complexity is the number of fields in the query
// Finish up with including SeaORM database connection

Writing Loco Controller to Handle GraphQL Endpoint​

For convenience we use the built-in GraphQL playground UI in async-graphql to test the GraphQL endpoint. And handle the GraphQL request with async_graphql_axum and Seaography.

use async_graphql::http::{playground_source, GraphQLPlaygroundConfig};
use axum::{body::Body, extract::Request};
use loco_rs::prelude::*;
use tower_service::Service;

use crate::graphql::query_root;

// GraphQL playground UI
async fn graphql_playground() -> Result<Response> {
// The `GraphQLPlaygroundConfig` take one parameter
// which is the URL of the GraphQL handler: `/api/graphql`
let res = playground_source(GraphQLPlaygroundConfig::new("/api/graphql"));


async fn graphql_handler(
State(ctx): State<AppContext>,
req: Request<Body>,
) -> Result<Response> {
const DEPTH: usize = 10;
const COMPLEXITY: usize = 100;
// Construct the the GraphQL query root
let schema = query_root::schema(ctx.db.clone(), DEPTH, COMPLEXITY).unwrap();
// GraphQL handler
let mut graphql_handler = async_graphql_axum::GraphQL::new(schema);
// Execute GraphQL request and fetch the results
let res =;


pub fn routes() -> Routes {
// Define route
// We put all GraphQL route behind `graphql` prefix
// GraphQL playground page is a GET request
.add("/", get(graphql_playground))
// GraphQL handler is a POST request
.add("/", post(graphql_handler))

Opening GraphQL Playground​

Compile and run the Loco application, then visit http://localhost:3000/api/graphql.

$ cargo run start

Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.60s
Running `target/debug/loco_seaography-cli start`
2024-06-24T08:04:52.173924Z INFO app: loco_rs::config: loading environment from selected_path="config/development.yaml" environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.180447Z WARN app: loco_rs::boot: pretty backtraces are enabled (this is great for development but has a runtime cost for production. disable with `logger.pretty_backtrace` in your config yaml) environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.272392Z INFO app: loco_rs::db: auto migrating environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.275198Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: Applying all pending migrations environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.280720Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: No pending migrations environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.281280Z INFO app: loco_rs::boot: initializers loaded initializers="" environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.308827Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/_ping environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.308936Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/_health environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309021Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/notes environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309088Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/notes environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309158Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/notes/:id environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309234Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [DELETE] /api/notes/:id environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309286Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/notes/:id environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309334Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/register environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309401Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/verify environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309471Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/login environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309572Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/forgot environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309662Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/reset environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309752Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/user/current environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309827Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/files/upload/:notes_id environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309910Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/files/list/:notes_id environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.309997Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/files/view/:files_id environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.310088Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/graphql environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.310172Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/graphql environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.310469Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [Middleware] Adding limit payload data="5mb" environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.310615Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [Middleware] Adding log trace id environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.310934Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [Middleware] Adding cors environment=development
2024-06-24T08:04:52.311008Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [Middleware] Adding etag layer environment=development

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environment: development
database: automigrate
logger: debug
compilation: debug
modes: server

listening on [::]:3000

Creating Notes​

Create a new notes with the GraphQL mutator.

mutation {
data: {
id: 1
title: "Notes 001"
content: "Content 001"
createdAt: "2024-06-24 00:00:00"
updatedAt: "2024-06-24 00:00:00"
) {

Querying Notes​

Query notes with its related files.

query {
notes {
nodes {
files {
nodes {

Adding User Authentication to GraphQL Endpoint​

Our GraphQL handler can be accessed without user authentication. Next, we want to only allow logged in user to access the GraphQL handler.

To do so, we add _auth: auth::JWT to the graphql_handler function.

async fn graphql_handler(
+ _auth: auth::JWT,
State(ctx): State<AppContext>,
req: Request<Body>,
) -> Result<Response> {
const DEPTH: usize = 10;
const COMPLEXITY: usize = 100;
// Construct the the GraphQL query root
let schema = query_root::schema(ctx.db.clone(), DEPTH, COMPLEXITY).unwrap();
// GraphQL handler
let mut graphql_handler = async_graphql_axum::GraphQL::new(schema);
// Execute GraphQL request and fetch the results
let res =;


Then, run the Loco application and visit the GraphQL playground again. You should see unauthorize error.

Adding Authentication header to GraphQL Playground​

First, we generate a valid authorization token by logging in the user account with the corresponding email and password:

$ curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/auth/login' \
--data-raw '{
"email": "",
"password": "password"

"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJwaWQiOiIwN2NjMDk5Ni03YWYxLTQ5YmYtYmY2NC01OTg4ZjFhODM2OTkiLCJleHAiOjE3MTk4MjIzMzN9.CgKp_aE-DyAuBJIvFGJ6l68ooAlEiJGhjWeaetDtHrupaYDm0ldVxf24vj3fPgkCqZ_njv2129n2pSCzHOjaow",
"pid": "07cc0996-7af1-49bf-bf64-5988f1a83699",
"name": "Billy",
"is_verified": true

Go to the setting page of GraphQL playground. And add a new header under request. globalHeaders:

Then, we can access GraphQL handler as usual.


Adding GraphQL support to Loco application is easy with the help of Seaography. It is an ergonomic library that turns SeaORM entities into GraphQL nodes and provides a set of utilities and combined with a code generator makes GraphQL API building a breeze.

SQL Server Support​

SQL Server for SeaORM is now available as a closed beta. If you are interested`, please signup here.

Migrating from sea-orm to sea-orm-x is straightforward with two simple steps. First, update the existing sea-orm dependency to sea-orm-x and enable the sqlz-mssql feature. Note that you might need to patch SeaORM dependency for the upstream dependencies.

sea-orm = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x", features = ["runtime-async-std-rustls", "sqlz-mssql"] }
sea-orm-migration = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x/sea-orm-migration" }

# Patch SeaORM dependency for the upstream dependencies
sea-orm = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x" }
sea-orm-migration = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x/sea-orm-migration" }

Second, update the connection string to connect to the MSSQL database.

# If the schema is `dbo`, simply write:

# Or, specify the schema name by providing an extra `currentSchema` query param.

# You can trust peer certificate by providing an extra trustCertificate query param.

SeaORM X has full Loco support and integrate seamlessly with many web frameworks:

  • Actix
  • Axum
  • Async GraphQL
  • jsonrpsee
  • Loco
  • Poem
  • Salvo
  • Tonic

Happy Coding!

Β· 11 min read
Billy Chan

In this tutorial, we would create a REST notepad backend starting from scratch and adding a new REST endpoint to handle file uploads in Loco.

The full source code can be found here. The documentation of the REST API is available here.

What is Loco?​

Loco is a Rails inspired web framework for Rust. It includes many Rails feature with Rust ergonomics. Loco integrates seamlessly with SeaORM, offering a first-class development experience!

  • Controllers and routing via axum
  • Models, migration, and ActiveRecord via SeaORM
  • Views via serde
  • Seamless, Background jobs via sidekiq-rs, multi modal: in process, out of process, async via Tokio
  • ...and more

REST API Starter Template​

Install loco-cli:

cargo install loco-cli

The loco-cli provides three starter templates:

  • SaaS Starter
  • Rest API Starter
  • Lightweight Service Starter

For this tutorial, we want the "Rest API Starter" template:

$ loco new

βœ” You are inside a git repository. Do you wish to continue? Β· Yes
βœ” App name? Β· loco_starter
βœ” What would you like to build? Β· Rest API (with DB and user auth)

πŸš‚ Loco app generated successfully in:

Next, we need to setup our PostgreSQL database.

docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=loco -e POSTGRES_DB=loco_starter_development -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="loco" postgres:15.3-alpine

If you want to use MySQL or SQLite as the database. Please update the database.uri configuration in loco_starter/config/development.yaml. And enable the corresponding database backend feature flag of SeaORM in loco_starter/Cargo.toml.

Now, start our REST application:

$ cargo loco start

Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1m 42s
Running `target/debug/loco_starter-cli start`
2024-05-20T06:56:42.724350Z INFO app: loco_rs::config: loading environment from selected_path="config/development.yaml" environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.740338Z WARN app: loco_rs::boot: pretty backtraces are enabled (this is great for development but has a runtime cost for production. disable with `logger.pretty_backtrace` in your config yaml) environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.833747Z INFO app: loco_rs::db: auto migrating environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.845983Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: Applying all pending migrations environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.850231Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: Applying migration 'm20220101_000001_users' environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.864095Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: Migration 'm20220101_000001_users' has been applied environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.865799Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: Applying migration 'm20231103_114510_notes' environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.873653Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: Migration 'm20231103_114510_notes' has been applied environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.875645Z INFO app: loco_rs::boot: initializers loaded initializers="" environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906072Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/_ping environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906176Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/_health environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906264Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/notes environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906335Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/notes environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906414Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/notes/:id environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906501Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [DELETE] /api/notes/:id environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906558Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/notes/:id environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906609Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/register environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906680Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/verify environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906753Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/login environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906838Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/forgot environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.906931Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [POST] /api/auth/reset environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.907012Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [GET] /api/user/current environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.907309Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [Middleware] Adding limit payload data="5mb" environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.907440Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [Middleware] Adding log trace id environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.907714Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [Middleware] Adding cors environment=development
2024-05-20T06:56:42.907788Z INFO app: loco_rs::controller::app_routes: [Middleware] Adding etag layer environment=development

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environment: development
database: automigrate
logger: debug
compilation: debug
modes: server

listening on [::]:3000

From the log messages printed above, we saw:

  • Database migrations have been applied
  • All available REST API

To check if the application listen for requests:

$ curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/_ping'


User Management​

The starter template comes with a basic user management module.


It is a common practice to send a verification email to the provided email. However, that would requires a SMTP server and this is not the focus of this blog post. So, I will skip the email verification:

async fn register(
State(ctx): State<AppContext>,
Json(params): Json<RegisterParams>,
) -> Result<Response> {
let res = users::Model::create_with_password(&ctx.db, &params).await;

let user = match res {
Ok(user) => user,
Err(err) => {
message = err.to_string(),
user_email = &,
"could not register user",
return format::json(());

+ // Skip email verification, all new registrations are considered verified
+ let _user = user
+ .into_active_model()
+ .verified(&ctx.db)
+ .await?;

+ // Skip sending verification email as we don't have a mail server
+ /*
let user = user

AuthMailer::send_welcome(&ctx, &user).await?;
+ */


Compile and run the application, then register a new user account:

$ curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/auth/register' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "Billy",
"email": "",
"password": "password"



You should see there is a new row of user in the database.

Next, we login the user account with the corresponding email and password:

$ curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/auth/login' \
--data-raw '{
"email": "",
"password": "password"

"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJwaWQiOiIxMWQwMWFmMy02ZmUyLTQ0ZjMtODlmMC1jMDJjZWMzOTc0MWQiLCJleHAiOjE3MTY3OTU3NjR9.i1OElxy33rkorkxk6QpTG1Kg4_Q8O0jqBJ2i82nltkcQYZsLmSSnrxtdtlfdvV0ccJ3hQA3JoY9L13cjz2uSCw",
"pid": "11d01af3-6fe2-44f3-89f0-c02cec39741d",
"name": "Billy",
"is_verified": true


The JWT token above will be used in user authentication. You must set the Authorization header to access any REST endpoint that requires user login.

For example, fetching the user info of the current user:

$ curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/user/current' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJwaWQiOiIxMWQwMWFmMy02ZmUyLTQ0ZjMtODlmMC1jMDJjZWMzOTc0MWQiLCJleHAiOjE3MTY3OTU3NjR9.i1OElxy33rkorkxk6QpTG1Kg4_Q8O0jqBJ2i82nltkcQYZsLmSSnrxtdtlfdvV0ccJ3hQA3JoY9L13cjz2uSCw'


Handling REST Requests​

The starter application comes with a notes controller for the notes table.

Create Notes​

$ curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/notes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJwaWQiOiIxMWQwMWFmMy02ZmUyLTQ0ZjMtODlmMC1jMDJjZWMzOTc0MWQiLCJleHAiOjE3MTY3OTU3NjR9.i1OElxy33rkorkxk6QpTG1Kg4_Q8O0jqBJ2i82nltkcQYZsLmSSnrxtdtlfdvV0ccJ3hQA3JoY9L13cjz2uSCw' \
--data '{
"title": "Getting Started with Loco & SeaORM",
"content": "In this tutorial, we would create an REST notepad backend starting from scratch and adding a new REST endpoint to handle file uploads."

"created_at": "2024-05-20T08:43:45.408449",
"updated_at": "2024-05-20T08:43:45.408449",
"id": 1,
"title": "Getting Started with Loco & SeaORM",
"content": "In this tutorial, we would create an REST notepad backend starting from scratch and adding a new REST endpoint to handle file uploads."

List Notes​

$ curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/notes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJwaWQiOiIxMWQwMWFmMy02ZmUyLTQ0ZjMtODlmMC1jMDJjZWMzOTc0MWQiLCJleHAiOjE3MTY3OTU3NjR9.i1OElxy33rkorkxk6QpTG1Kg4_Q8O0jqBJ2i82nltkcQYZsLmSSnrxtdtlfdvV0ccJ3hQA3JoY9L13cjz2uSCw'

"created_at": "2024-05-20T08:43:45.408449",
"updated_at": "2024-05-20T08:43:45.408449",
"id": 1,
"title": "Getting Started with Loco & SeaORM",
"content": "In this tutorial, we would create an REST notepad backend starting from scratch and adding a new REST endpoint to handle file uploads."
"created_at": "2024-05-20T08:45:38.973130",
"updated_at": "2024-05-20T08:45:38.973130",
"id": 2,
"title": "Introducing SeaORM X",
"content": "SeaORM X is built on top of SeaORM with support for SQL Server"

Get Notes​

$ curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/notes/2' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJwaWQiOiIxMWQwMWFmMy02ZmUyLTQ0ZjMtODlmMC1jMDJjZWMzOTc0MWQiLCJleHAiOjE3MTY3OTU3NjR9.i1OElxy33rkorkxk6QpTG1Kg4_Q8O0jqBJ2i82nltkcQYZsLmSSnrxtdtlfdvV0ccJ3hQA3JoY9L13cjz2uSCw'

"created_at": "2024-05-20T08:45:38.973130",
"updated_at": "2024-05-20T08:45:38.973130",
"id": 2,
"title": "Introducing SeaORM X",
"content": "SeaORM X is built on top of SeaORM with support for SQL Server"

Handling File Uploads​

Next, we will add a file upload feature where user can upload files that is related to the notes.

File Table Migration​

Create a migration file for the new files table. Each row of files reference a specific notes in the database.

use sea_orm_migration::{prelude::*, schema::*};

use super::m20231103_114510_notes::Notes;

pub struct Migration;

impl MigrationTrait for Migration {
async fn up(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
.from(Files::Table, Files::NotesId)
.to(Notes::Table, Notes::Id),

async fn down(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {

pub enum Files {

Then, we need to enable the new migration.

pub use sea_orm_migration::prelude::*;

mod m20220101_000001_users;
mod m20231103_114510_notes;
+ mod m20240520_173001_files;

pub struct Migrator;

impl MigratorTrait for Migrator {
fn migrations() -> Vec<Box<dyn MigrationTrait>> {
+ Box::new(m20240520_173001_files::Migration),

Compile and start the application, it should run our new migration on startup.

$ cargo loco start

2024-05-20T09:39:59.607525Z INFO app: loco_rs::db: auto migrating environment=development
2024-05-20T09:39:59.611997Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: Applying all pending migrations environment=development
2024-05-20T09:39:59.621699Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: Applying migration 'm20240520_173001_files' environment=development
2024-05-20T09:39:59.643886Z INFO app: sea_orm_migration::migrator: Migration 'm20240520_173001_files' has been applied environment=development

File Model Definition​

Define files entity model.

use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "files")]
pub struct Model {
pub created_at: DateTime,
pub updated_at: DateTime,
pub id: i32,
pub notes_id: i32,
pub file_path: String,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)]
pub enum Relation {
belongs_to = "super::notes::Entity",
from = "Column::NotesId",
to = "super::notes::Column::Id"

impl Related<super::notes::Entity> for Entity {
fn to() -> RelationDef {

Implement the ActiveModelBehavior in the parent module.

use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*;

use super::_entities::files::ActiveModel;

impl ActiveModelBehavior for ActiveModel {
// extend activemodel below (keep comment for generators)

File Controller​

Controller is where we handle the file uploading, listing and viewing.

Upload File​

The following upload handler allows multiple files to be uploaded in a single POST request.

pub async fn upload(
_auth: auth::JWT,
Path(notes_id): Path<i32>,
State(ctx): State<AppContext>,
mut multipart: Multipart,
) -> Result<Response> {
// Collect all uploaded files
let mut files = Vec::new();

// Iterate all files in the POST body
while let Some(field) = multipart.next_field().await.map_err(|err| {
tracing::error!(error = ?err,"could not readd multipart");
Error::BadRequest("could not readd multipart".into())
})? {
// Get the file name
let file_name = match field.file_name() {
Some(file_name) => file_name.to_string(),
_ => return Err(Error::BadRequest("file name not found".into())),

// Get the file content as bytes
let content = field.bytes().await.map_err(|err| {
tracing::error!(error = ?err,"could not readd bytes");
Error::BadRequest("could not readd bytes".into())

// Create a folder to store the uploaded file
let now = chrono::offset::Local::now()
let uuid = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let folder = format!("{now}_{uuid}");
let upload_folder = PathBuf::from(UPLOAD_DIR).join(&folder);

// Write the file into the newly created folder
let path = upload_folder.join(file_name);
let mut f = fs::OpenOptions::new()

// Record the file upload in database
let file = files::ActiveModel {
notes_id: ActiveValue::Set(notes_id),
file_path: ActiveValue::Set(



Try uploading multiple files in a single POST request:

All uploaded files are saved into the uploads directory:

List File​

List all files that are related to a specific notes_id.

pub async fn list(
_auth: auth::JWT,
Path(notes_id): Path<i32>,
State(ctx): State<AppContext>,
) -> Result<Response> {
// Fetch all files uploaded for a specific notes
let files = files::Entity::find()


View File​

View a specific files.

pub async fn view(
_auth: auth::JWT,
Path(files_id): Path<i32>,
State(ctx): State<AppContext>,
) -> Result<Response> {
// Fetch the file info from database
let file = files::Entity::find_by_id(files_id)
.expect("File not found");

// Stream the file
let file = fs::File::open(format!("{UPLOAD_DIR}/{}", file.file_path)).await?;
let stream = ReaderStream::new(file);
let body = Body::from_stream(stream);


File Controller Routes​

Add our newly defined files handler to the application routes.

pub fn routes() -> Routes {
// Bind the routes
.add("/upload/:notes_id", post(upload))
.add("/list/:notes_id", get(list))
.add("/view/:files_id", get(view))
pub struct App;

impl Hooks for App {
// ...

fn routes(_ctx: &AppContext) -> AppRoutes {
+ .add_route(controllers::files::routes())

// ...

Extra Rust Dependencies​

Remember to enable multipart in axum and add tokio-util dependency.

- axum = "0.7.1"
+ axum = { version = "0.7.1", features = ["multipart"] }

+ tokio-util = "0.7.11"

SQL Server Support​

SQL Server for SeaORM is now available as a closed beta. If you are interested, please signup here.

Migrating from sea-orm to sea-orm-x is straightforward with two simple steps. First, update the existing sea-orm dependency to sea-orm-x and enable the sqlz-mssql feature. Note that you might need to patch SeaORM dependency for the upstream dependencies.

sea-orm = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x", features = ["runtime-async-std-rustls", "sqlz-mssql"] }
sea-orm-migration = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x/sea-orm-migration" }

# Patch SeaORM dependency for the upstream dependencies
sea-orm = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x" }
sea-orm-migration = { path = "<SEA_ORM_X_ROOT>/sea-orm-x/sea-orm-migration" }

Second, update the connection string to connect to the MSSQL database.

# If the schema is `dbo`, simply write:

# Or, specify the schema name by providing an extra `currentSchema` query param.

# You can trust peer certificate by providing an extra trustCertificate query param.

SeaORM X has full Loco support and integrate seamlessly with many web frameworks:

  • Actix
  • Axum
  • Async GraphQL
  • jsonrpsee
  • Loco
  • Poem
  • Salvo
  • Tonic

Happy Coding!

Β· 8 min read
Chris Tsang

This story stems from the saying "What Color is Your Function?" as a criticism to the async implementation of common programming languages. Well, Rust also falls into the category of "colored functions". So in this blog post, let's see how we can design systems to effectively combine sync and async code.

Rainbow bridge is a reference to the bridge in Thor that teleports you between different realms - a perfect analogy!


Sync code can be blocking IO, or expensive computation. Async code is usually network IO where you'd wait for results.

In both cases, we want to maximize concurrency, such that the program can make full use of the CPU instead of sitting there idle. A common approach is message passing, where we package tasks and send them to different workers for execution.

Sync -> Sync​

Let's start with the classic example, pure sync code. There exists std::sync::mpsc in the standard library, so let's take a look.

use std::sync::mpsc::channel;

// create an unbounded channel
let (sender, receiver) = channel();

// never blocks

let handle = std::thread::spawn(move|| {
// wait until there is a message
let message = receiver.recv().unwrap();


Prints (Playground):


Now, we'll make a more elaborate example: a program that spawns a number of worker threads to perform some 'expensive' computation. The main thread would dispatch the tasks to those threads and in turn collect the results via another channel.

β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”    tasks    β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”   result
β”‚ β•žβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•‘ worker thread 1 β•žβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•— β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”
β”‚ main thread β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ╠════║ main thread β”‚
β”‚ β•žβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•‘ worker thread 2 β•žβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β• β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜
β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜ β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜

First, setup the channels.

let (result, collector) = channel(); // result
let mut senders = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..THREADS {
let (sender, receiver) = channel(); // tasks
let result = result.clone();
std::thread::spawn(move || worker(receiver, result));

The worker thread looks like:

fn worker(receiver: Receiver<Task>, sender: Sender<Done>) {
while let Ok(task) = receiver.recv() {
let result = process(task);

Then, dispatch tasks.

for c in 0..TASKS {
let task = some_random_task();
senders[c % THREADS].send(task).unwrap();

Finally, we can collect results.

for _ in 0..TASKS {
let result = collector.recv().unwrap();

Full source code can be found here.

Async -> Async​

Next, we'll migrate to async land. Using tokio::sync::mpsc, it's very similar to the above example, except every operation is async and thus imposes additional restrictions to lifetimes. (The trick is, just move / clone. Don't borrow)

tokio's unbounded_channel is the equivalent to std's channel. Otherwise it's very similar. The spawn method takes in a Future; since the worker needs to take in the channels, we construct an async closure with async move {}.

(unbounded) channelunbounded_channel
sync_channel(bounded) channel
let (result, mut collector) = unbounded_channel();
let mut senders = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..WORKERS {
let (sender, mut receiver) = unbounded_channel();
let result = result.clone();
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
while let Some(task) = receiver.recv().await {
std::mem::drop(result); // <-- ?

Why do we need to drop the result sender? This is one of the foot gun: tokio would swallow panics originated within the task, and so if that happened, the program would never exit. By dropping the last copy of result in scope, the channel would automatically close after all tasks exit, which in turn would triggle up to our collector.

The rest is almost the same.

for (i, task) in tasks.iter().enumerate() {
senders[i % WORKERS].send(task.clone()).unwrap();

for _ in 0..tasks.len() {
let result = collector.recv().await.unwrap();

Full source code can be found here.

Flume mpmc​

mpmc - multi producer, multi consumer​

The previous examples have a flaw: we have to spawn multiple mpsc channels to send tasks, which is:

  1. clumsy. we need to keep a list of senders
  2. not the most efficient. is round-robin the best way of distributing tasks? some of the workers may remain idle

Here is the ideal setup:

                      tasks   β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”   result
β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β” ╔═══════════║ worker thread 1 β•žβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•— β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”
β”‚ main thread β•žβ•β•β•β•£ β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ╠═══║ main thread β”‚
β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜ β•šβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•‘ worker thread 2 β•žβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β• β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜

Let's rewrite our example using Flume. But first, know the mapping between tokio and flume:

unbounded_channelunbounded (channel)
(bounded) channelbounded (channel)

In tokio, the method is exclusive: async fn recv(&mut self); in flume, the method is fn recv_async(&self) -> RecvFut. The type signature already told you the distinction between mpsc vs mpmc! It is wrong to use the blocking recv method in async context in flume, but sadly the compiler would not warn you about it.

The channel setup is now slightly simpler:

let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); // task
let (result, collector) = unbounded(); // result

for _ in 0..WORKERS {
let receiver = receiver.clone();
let result = result.clone();
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
while let Ok(task) = receiver.recv_async().await {

We no longer have to dispatch tasks ourselves. All workers share the same task queue, and thus workers would fetch the next task as soon as the previous one is finished - effectively load balance among themselves!

for task in &tasks {

for _ in 0..tasks.len() {
let result = collector.recv_async().await.unwrap();

Full source code can be found here.

Sync -> Async​

In the final example, let's consider a program that is mostly sync, but has a few async operations that we want to handle in a background thread.

In the example below, our blocking operation is 'reading from stdin' from the main thread. And we send those lines to an async thread to handle.

β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”           β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”
β”‚ main thread β•žβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•‘ async thread β”‚
β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜ β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜

It follows the usual 3 steps:

  1. create a flume channel
  2. pass the receiver end to a worker thread
  3. send tasks over the channel
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); // flume channel

std::thread::spawn(move || {
// this runtime is single-threaded
let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread().enable_all().build().unwrap();

loop {
let mut line = String::new();
// this blocks the current thread until there is a new line
match std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) {
Ok(0) => break, // this means stdin is closed
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => panic!("{e:?}"),


This is the handler:

async fn handler(receiver: Receiver<String>) -> Result<()> {
while let Ok(line) = receiver.recv_async().await {

It doesn't look much different from the async -> async example, the only difference is one side is sync! Full source code can be found here.

Graceful shutdown​

The above code has a problem: we never know whether a line has been processed. If the program has an exit mechanism from handling sigint, there is a possibility of exiting before all the lines has been processed.

Let's see how we can shutdown properly.

let handle = std::thread::spawn(..);

// running is an AtomicBool
while running.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
let line = read_line_from_stdin();


The shutdown sequence has 3 steps:

  1. we first obtain the JoinHandle to the thread
  2. we drop all copies of sender, effectively closing the channel
  3. in the worker thread, receiver.recv_async() would result in an error, as stated in the docs

    Asynchronously receive a value from the channel, returning an error if all senders have been dropped.

  4. the worker thread finishes, joining the main thread

Async -> Sync​

The other way around is equally simple, as illustrated in SeaStreamer's example.


to spawn workerstd::thread::spawntokio::task::spawn
concurrencymulti-threadedcan be multi-threaded or single-threaded
worker isFnOnceFuture
send message withsendsend
receive message withrecvrecv_async
waiting for messagesblockingyield to runtime

In this article we discussed:

  1. Multi-threaded parallelism in sync realm
  2. Concurrency in async realm - with tokio and flume
  3. Bridging sync and async code with flume

Now you already learnt the powers of flume, but there is more!

In the next episode, hopefully we will get to discuss other interesting features of flume - bounded channels and 'rendezvous channels'.

Rustacean Sticker Pack πŸ¦€β€‹

The Rustacean Sticker Pack is the perfect way to express your passion for Rust. Our stickers are made with a premium water-resistant vinyl with a unique matte finish. Stick them on your laptop, notebook, or any gadget to show off your love for Rust!

Moreover, all proceeds contributes directly to the ongoing development of SeaQL projects.

Sticker Pack Contents:

  • Logo of SeaQL projects: SeaQL, SeaORM, SeaQuery, Seaography, FireDBG
  • Mascot of SeaQL: Terres the Hermit Crab
  • Mascot of Rust: Ferris the Crab
  • The Rustacean word

Support SeaQL and get a Sticker Pack!

Rustacean Sticker Pack by SeaQL

Β· 6 min read
Chris Tsang

This tutorial shows you how to use Rust to build a system that:

  1. Subscribe to a real-time websocket data feed
  2. Stream the data to Kafka / Redis
  3. Save the data into a SQL database

Here, we'll employ a micro-services architecture, and split the functionality into two apps:

β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”      ─────────────────      β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”
β”‚ Websocket Data Feed β”‚ ---> Redis / Kafka ---> β”‚ SQL Data Sink β”‚
β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜ ───────────────── β””β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”˜

In stream processing, we often use the terms "source" / "sink", but a data sink is simply a stream consumer that persists the data into a store.

On the source side, we'd use SeaStreamer. On the sink side, we'd be using SeaORM. Below are the supported technologies; for the rest of this article, we'll be using Redis and SQLite because they're easy to setup.

Kafka, RedisMySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server1

To get started, you can quickly start a Redis instance via Docker:

docker run -d --rm --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis

1. Websocket subscription​

Let's write a websocket subscriber in Rust. Here we'd use the awesome async-tungstenite library.

We'd subscribe to the GBP/USD price feed from Kraken, API documentation can be found here. NB: they're not real FX data, but should be good enough for demo.

Step 1, create a websocket connection:

let (mut ws, _) = async_tungstenite::tokio::connect_async("wss://").await?;

Step 2, send a subscription request:

r#"{ "event": "subscribe", "pair": ["GBP/USD"], "subscription": { "name": "spread" } }"#.to_owned(),

Step 3, stream the messages:

loop {
match {
Some(Ok(Message::Text(data))) => {
if data == r#"{"event":"heartbeat"}"# {
Some(Err(e)) => bail!("Socket error: {e}"),
None => bail!("Stream ended"),
e => bail!("Unexpected message {e:?}"),

2. Redis / Kafka Stream Producer​

Step 1, create a SeaStreamer instance connecting to Redis / Kafka:

let streamer = SeaStreamer::connect(
"redis://localhost", SeaConnectOptions::default()

There are a bunch of different options for Redis & Kafka respectively, you can refer to SeaStreamer's documentation.

Step 2, create a producer:

let producer: SeaProducer = streamer
"GBP_USD".parse()?, // Stream Key
Default::default(), // Producer Options

There aren't any specific options for Producer.

Step 3, decode the messages:

let spread: SpreadMessage = serde_json::from_str(&data)?;
let message = serde_json::to_string(&spread)?;

Here, we use the awesome serde library to perform message parsing and conversion:

// The raw message looks like: [80478222,["1.25475","1.25489","1714946803.030088","949.74917071","223.36195920"],"spread","GBP/USD"]

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct SpreadMessage {
channel_id: u32, // placeholder; not needed
spread: Spread, // nested object
channel_name: String,
pair: String,

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Spread {
bid: Decimal,
ask: Decimal,
#[serde(with = "timestamp_serde")] // custom serde
timestamp: Timestamp,
bid_vol: Decimal,
ask_vol: Decimal,

Step 4, send the messages:

loop {
match {
Some(Ok(Message::Text(data))) => {
let spread: SpreadMessage = serde_json::from_str(&data)?;
let message = serde_json::to_string(&spread)?;
producer.send(message)?; // <--

Note that the producer.send call is not async/await, and this is a crucial detail! This removes the stream processing bottleneck. Behind the scene, messages will be buffered and handled on a different thread, so that your input stream can run as close to real-time as possible.

Here is the complete price-feed app which you can checkout from the SeaStreamer repository:

$ cd examples/price-feed
$ cargo run

Connecting ..

3. SQL Data Sink​

Step 1, create a stream consumer:

let streamer = SeaStreamer::connect(streamer_uri, Default::default()).await?;

let consumer = streamer
.create_consumer(&[stream_key], SeaConsumerOptions::default())

There are a bunch of different options for Redis & Kafka respectively, you can refer to SeaStreamer's examples. Here we use the default, which is a real-time state-less stream consumer.

Step 2, create a database:

let mut opt = ConnectOptions::new("sqlite://my_db.sqlite?mode=rwc"));
let db = Database::connect(opt).await?;

We set max_connections to 1, because our data sink will not do concurrent inserts anyway.

Here is the Entity:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, DeriveEntityModel, Deserialize)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "event")]
pub struct Model {
pub id: i32,
pub timestamp: String,
pub bid: String,
pub ask: String,
pub bid_vol: String,
pub ask_vol: String,

The table shall be named event and we derive Deserialize on the Model.

We will use the following helper method to create the database table, where the schema is derived from the Entity:

async fn create_tables(db: &DbConn) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
let builder = db.get_database_backend();
let schema = Schema::new(builder);

let stmt =


This is especially handy for SQLite, where the app owns the database schema. For other databases, you'd probably use the SeaORM migration system.

Step 3, insert the data into database:

loop {
let message =;
let payload = message.message();
let json = payload.as_str()?;
let item: Item = serde_json::from_str(json)?;
let mut spread = item.spread.into_active_model(); = NotSet; // let the db assign primary key;

In a few lines of code, we:

  1. receive the message from Redis
  2. decode the message as JSON
  3. convert the message into a SeaORM Model
  4. insert the Model into database

Run the sea-orm-sink app in another terminal:

$ cd examples/sea-orm-sink
$ RUST_LOG=info cargo run

[INFO sea_streamer_sea_orm_sink] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "event" ( "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "timestamp" varchar NOT NULL, "bid" varchar NOT NULL, "ask" varchar NOT NULL, "bid_vol" varchar NOT NULL, "ask_vol" varchar NOT NULL )
[INFO sea_streamer_sea_orm_sink] {"spread":{"bid":"1.25495","ask":"1.25513","timestamp":"2024-05-05T16:31:00.961214","bid_vol":"61.50588918","ask_vol":"787.90883861"},"channel_name":"spread","pair":"GBP/USD"}

That's it! Now you can inspect the data with your favourite database GUI and write some SQL queries:

screenshot of SQLite database


In this article, we covered:

  1. Micro-services architecture in stream processing
  2. Async real-time programming in Rust
  3. The awesomeness of the SeaQL and Rust ecosystem2

Here are a few suggestions how you can take it from here:

  1. Stream the data to a "big database" like MySQL or Postgres
  2. Subscribe to more streams and sink to more tables
  3. Buffer the events and insert the data in batches to achieve higher throughput, further reads:

Rustacean Sticker Pack πŸ¦€β€‹

The Rustacean Sticker Pack is the perfect way to express your passion for Rust. Our stickers are made with a premium water-resistant vinyl with a unique matte finish. Stick them on your laptop, notebook, or any gadget to show off your love for Rust!

Moreover, all proceeds contributes directly to the ongoing development of SeaQL projects.

Sticker Pack Contents:

  • Logo of SeaQL projects: SeaQL, SeaORM, SeaQuery, Seaography, FireDBG
  • Mascot of SeaQL: Terres the Hermit Crab
  • Mascot of Rust: Ferris the Crab
  • The Rustacean word

Support SeaQL and get a Sticker Pack!

Rustacean Sticker Pack by SeaQL

Β· 10 min read
SeaQL Team
SeaORM 1.0-rc Banner

This blog post summarizes the new features and enhancements introduced in SeaORM 1.0-rc.x:

New Features​

Refreshed migration schema definition​

#2099 We are aware that SeaORM's migration scripts can sometimes look verbose. Thanks to the clever design made by Loco, we've refreshed the schema definition syntax.

An old migration script looks like this:

impl MigrationTrait for Migration {
async fn up(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
// ...

Now, using the new schema helpers, you can define the schema with a simplified syntax!

// Remember to import `sea_orm_migration::schema::*`
use sea_orm_migration::{prelude::*, schema::*};

pub struct Migration;

impl MigrationTrait for Migration {
async fn up(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
.col(pk_auto(Users::Id)) // Primary key with auto-increment
.col(uuid(Users::Pid)) // UUID column
.col(string_uniq(Users::Email)) // String column with unique and not null constraint
.col(string(Users::Password)) // String column
.col(string_null(Users::ResetToken)) // Nullable string column
.col(timestamp_null(Users::ResetSentAt)) // Nullable timestamp column

// ...

There are three variants for each commonly used column type:

  • <COLUMN_TYPE>() helper function, e.g. string(), define a non-null string column
  • <COLUMN_TYPE>_null() helper function, e.g. string_null(), define a nullable string column
  • <COLUMN_TYPE>_uniq() helper function, e.g. string_uniq(), define a non-null and unique string column

The new schema helpers can be used by importing sea_orm_migration::schema::*. The migration library is fully backward compatible, so there is no rush to migrate old scripts. The new syntax is recommended for new scripts, and all examples in the SeaORM repository have been updated for demonstration. For advanced use cases, the old SeaQuery syntax can still be used.

Reworked SQLite Type Mappings​

sea-orm#2077 sea-query#735 sea-schema#117 We've reworked the type mappings for SQLite across the SeaQL ecosystem, such that SeaQuery and SeaSchema are now reciprocal to each other. Migrations written with SeaQuery can be rediscovered by sea-orm-cli and generate compatible entities! In other words, the roundtrip is complete.

Data types will be mapped to SQLite types with a custom naming scheme following SQLite's affinity rule:

  • INTEGER: integer, tiny_integer, small_integer, big_integer and boolean are stored as integer
  • REAL: float, double, decimal and money are stored as real
  • BLOB: blob and varbinary_blob are stored as blob
  • TEXT: all other data types are stored as text, including string, char, text, json, uuid, date, time, datetime, timestamp, etc.

To illustrate,

.col(ColumnDef::new(Alias::new("decimal2")).decimal_len(12, 4))
.col(ColumnDef::new(Alias::new("money2")).money_len(12, 4))
r#"CREATE TABLE "strange" ("#,
r#""int1" integer,"#,
r#""int2" tinyint,"#,
r#""int3" smallint,"#,
r#""int4" bigint,"#,
r#""string1" varchar,"#,
r#""string2" varchar(24),"#,
r#""char1" char,"#,
r#""char2" char(24),"#,
r#""text_col" text,"#,
r#""json_col" json_text,"#,
r#""uuid_col" uuid_text,"#,
r#""decimal1" real,"#,
r#""decimal2" real(12, 4),"#,
r#""money1" real_money,"#,
r#""money2" real_money(12, 4),"#,
r#""float_col" float,"#,
r#""double_col" double,"#,
r#""date_col" date_text,"#,
r#""time_col" time_text,"#,
r#""datetime_col" datetime_text,"#,
r#""boolean_col" boolean,"#,
r#""binary2" blob(1024),"#,
r#""binary3" varbinary_blob(1024)"#,
.join(" ")

The full type mapping table is documented here:

ColumnTypeMySQL data typePostgreSQL data typeSQLite data type
TinyUnsignedtinyint unsignedsmallinttinyint
SmallUnsignedsmallint unsignedsmallintsmallint
Unsignedint unsignedintegerinteger
BigUnsignedbigint unsignedbigintinteger
Doubledoubledouble precisiondouble
DateTimedatetimetimestamp without time zonedatetime_text
TimestampWithTimeZonetimestamptimestamp with time zonetimestamp_with_timezone_text


  • #2137 DerivePartialModel macro attribute entity now supports syn::Type
#[sea_orm(entity = "<entity::Model as ModelTrait>::Entity")]
struct EntityNameNotAIdent {
#[sea_orm(from_col = "foo2")]
_foo: i32,
#[sea_orm(from_col = "bar2")]
_bar: String,
  • #2146 Added RelationDef::from_alias()
"SELECT `cake`.`id`, `cake`.`name` FROM `cake`",
"LEFT JOIN `cake_filling` AS `cf` ON `cake`.`id` = `cf`.`cake_id`",
"LEFT JOIN `filling` ON `cf`.`filling_id` = `filling`.`id`",
.join(" ")
  • #1665 [sea-orm-macro] Qualify traits in DeriveActiveModel macro
  • #2064 [sea-orm-cli] Fix migrate generate on empty files

Breaking Changes​

  • #2145 Renamed ConnectOptions::pool_options() to ConnectOptions::sqlx_pool_options()
  • #2145 Made sqlx_common private, hiding sqlx_error_to_xxx_err
  • MySQL money type maps to decimal
  • MySQL blob types moved to extension::mysql::MySqlType; ColumnDef::blob() now takes no parameters
"CREATE TABLE `binary_type` (",
"`binlen` binary(32),",
"`bin` binary(1),",
"`b` blob,",
"`tb` tinyblob,",
"`mb` mediumblob,",
"`lb` longblob",
.join(" ")
  • ColumnDef::binary() sets column type as binary with default length of 1
  • Removed BlobSize enum
  • Added StringLen to represent length of varchar / varbinary
/// Length for var-char/binary; default to 255
pub enum StringLen {
/// String size
  • ValueType::columntype() of Vec<u8> maps to VarBinary(StringLen::None)
  • ValueType::columntype() of String maps to String(StringLen::None)
  • ColumnType::Bit maps to bit for Postgres
  • ColumnType::Binary and ColumnType::VarBinary map to bytea for Postgres
  • Value::Decimal and Value::BigDecimal map to real for SQLite
  • ColumnType::Year(Option<MySqlYear>) changed to ColumnType::Year


  • Upgrade sea-query to 0.31.0-rc.3
  • Upgrade sea-schema to 0.15.0-rc.4
  • Upgrade sea-query-binder to 0.6.0-rc.1
  • #2088 Upgrade strum to 0.26

House Keeping​

  • #2140 Improved Actix example to return 404 not found on unexpected inputs
  • #2154 Deprecated Actix v3 example
  • #2136 Re-enabled rocket_okapi example

Release Planning​

In the previous release of SeaORM, we stated that we want our next release to be 1.0. We are indeed very close to 1.0 now!

While 0.12 will still be maintained before 1.0 get finalized, you are welcome to try out 1.0-rc.x today! There will still be a few minor but still technically breaking changes:

  1. #2185 Adding trait const ARITY to PrimaryKeyTrait, allowing users to write better generic code
  2. #2186 Associating ActiveModel to EntityTrait, allowing users to extend the behaviour of Entities

Now is also the perfect time for you to propose breaking changes that'd have long term impact to SeaORM. After the stablization, we hope that SeaORM can offer a stable API surface that developers can use in production for the years to come.

We'd not have more than 2 major releases in a year, and each major release will be maintained for at least 1 year. It's still tentative, but that's what we have in mind for now. Moreoever, it will actually allow us to ship new features more frequently!

SQL Server Support​

We've been planning SQL Server for SeaORM for a while, but it was put aside in 2023 (which I regretted). Anyway SQL Server support is coming soon! It will first be offered as a closed beta to our partners. If you are interested, please join our waiting list.

If you feel generous, a small donation will be greatly appreciated, and goes a long way towards sustaining the organization.

A big shout out to our sponsors πŸ˜‡:

Gold Sponsors​

GitHub Sponsors​

Afonso Barracha
Shane Sveller
Dean Sheather
Marcus Buffett
René Klačan
Apinan I.
Kentaro Tanaka
Natsuki Ikeguchi
Marlon Mueller-Soppart
Manfred Lee
Daniel Gallups
Coolpany SE

Rustacean Sticker Pack πŸ¦€β€‹

The Rustacean Sticker Pack is the perfect way to express your passion for Rust. Our stickers are made with a premium water-resistant vinyl with a unique matte finish. Stick them on your laptop, notebook, or any gadget to show off your love for Rust!

Moreover, all proceeds contributes directly to the ongoing development of SeaQL projects.

Sticker Pack Contents:

  • Logo of SeaQL projects: SeaQL, SeaORM, SeaQuery, Seaography, FireDBG
  • Mascot of SeaQL: Terres the Hermit Crab
  • Mascot of Rust: Ferris the Crab
  • The Rustacean word

Support SeaQL and get a Sticker Pack!

Rustacean Sticker Pack by SeaQL

Β· 7 min read
SeaQL Team
SeaORM 0.12 Banner

It had been a while since the initial SeaORM 0.12 release. This blog post summarizes the new features and enhancements introduced in SeaORM 0.12.2 through 0.12.12!

Celebrating 2M downloads on πŸ“¦β€‹

We've just reached the milestone of 2,000,000 all time downloads on It's a testament to SeaORM's adoption in professional use. Thank you to all our users for your trust and for being a part of our community.

New Features​

Entity format update​

  • #1898 Add support for root JSON arrays (requires the json-array / postgres-array feature)! It involved an intricate type system refactor to work around the orphan rule.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, DeriveEntityModel)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "json_struct_vec")]
pub struct Model {
pub id: i32,
#[sea_orm(column_type = "Json")]
pub struct_vec: Vec<JsonColumn>,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, FromJsonQueryResult)]
pub struct JsonColumn {
pub value: String,
  • #2009 Added comment attribute for Entity; create_table_from_entity now supports comment on MySQL
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, DeriveEntityModel)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "applog", comment = "app logs")]
pub struct Model {
#[sea_orm(primary_key, comment = "ID")]
pub id: i32,
#[sea_orm(comment = "action")]
pub action: String,
pub json: Json,
pub created_at: DateTimeWithTimeZone,

Cursor paginator improvements​

  • #2037 Added descending order to Cursor:
// (default behaviour) Before 5 ASC, i.e. id < 5

let mut cursor = Entity::find().cursor_by(Column::Id);

Model { id: 1 },
Model { id: 2 },
Model { id: 3 },
Model { id: 4 },

// (new API) After 5 DESC, i.e. id < 5

let mut cursor = Entity::find().cursor_by(Column::Id);

Model { id: 4 },
Model { id: 3 },
Model { id: 2 },
Model { id: 1 },
  • #1826 Added cursor support to SelectTwo:
// Join with linked relation; cursor by first table's id


// Join with relation; cursor by the 2nd table's id
