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What's new in SeaORM 0.7.0

Β· 5 min read
SeaQL Team

πŸŽ‰ We are pleased to release SeaORM 0.7.0 today! Here are some feature highlights 🌟:

Update ActiveModel by JSON​

[#492] If you want to save user input into the database you can easily convert JSON value into ActiveModel.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "fruit")]
pub struct Model {
#[serde(skip_deserializing)] // Skip deserializing
pub id: i32,
pub name: String,
pub cake_id: Option<i32>,

Set the attributes in ActiveModel with set_from_json method.

// A ActiveModel with primary key set
let mut fruit = fruit::ActiveModel {
id: ActiveValue::Set(1),
name: ActiveValue::NotSet,
cake_id: ActiveValue::NotSet,

// Note that this method will not alter the primary key values in ActiveModel
"id": 8,
"name": "Apple",
"cake_id": 1,

fruit::ActiveModel {
id: ActiveValue::Set(1),
name: ActiveValue::Set("Apple".to_owned()),
cake_id: ActiveValue::Set(Some(1)),

Create a new ActiveModel from JSON value with the from_json method.

let fruit = fruit::ActiveModel::from_json(json!({
"name": "Apple",

fruit::ActiveModel {
id: ActiveValue::NotSet,
name: ActiveValue::Set("Apple".to_owned()),
cake_id: ActiveValue::NotSet,
Proposed by:

Contributed by:

Billy Chan

Support time crate in Model​

[#602] You can define datetime column in Model with time crate. You can migrate your Model originally defined in chrono to time crate.

Model defined in chrono crate.

use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "transaction_log")]
pub struct Model {
pub id: i32,
pub date: Date, // chrono::NaiveDate
pub time: Time, // chrono::NaiveTime
pub date_time: DateTime, // chrono::NaiveDateTime
pub date_time_tz: DateTimeWithTimeZone, // chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset>

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)]
pub enum Relation {}

impl ActiveModelBehavior for ActiveModel {}

Model defined in time crate.

use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel)]
#[sea_orm(table_name = "transaction_log")]
pub struct Model {
pub id: i32,
pub date: TimeDate, // time::Date
pub time: TimeTime, // time::Time
pub date_time: TimeDateTime, // time::PrimitiveDateTime
pub date_time_tz: TimeDateTimeWithTimeZone, // time::OffsetDateTime

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)]
pub enum Relation {}

impl ActiveModelBehavior for ActiveModel {}
Proposed by:

Tom Hacohen
Contributed by:

Billy Chan

Delete by Primary Key​

[#590] Instead of selecting Model from the database then deleting it. You could also delete a row from database directly by its primary key.

let res: DeleteResult = Fruit::delete_by_id(38).exec(db).await?;
assert_eq!(res.rows_affected, 1);
Proposed by:

Shouvik Ghosh
Contributed by:

Zhenwei Guo

Paginate Results from Raw Query​

[#617] You can paginate SelectorRaw and fetch Model in batch.

let mut cake_pages = cake::Entity::find()
r#"SELECT "cake"."id", "cake"."name" FROM "cake" WHERE "id" = $1"#,
.paginate(db, 50);

while let Some(cakes) = cake_pages.fetch_and_next().await? {
// Do something on cakes: Vec<cake::Model>
Proposed by:

Contributed by:


Create Database Index​

[#593] To create indexes in database instead of writing IndexCreateStatement manually, you can derive it from Entity using Schema::create_index_from_entity.

use sea_orm::{sea_query, tests_cfg::*, Schema};

let builder = db.get_database_backend();
let schema = Schema::new(builder);

let stmts = schema.create_index_from_entity(indexes::Entity);
assert_eq!(stmts.len(), 2);

let idx = sea_query::Index::create()

let idx = sea_query::Index::create()
Proposed by:

Jochen GΓΆrtler
Contributed by:

Nick Burrett

Our GitHub Sponsor profile is up! If you feel generous, a small donation will be greatly appreciated.

A big shout out to our sponsors πŸ˜‡:

Γ‰mile Fugulin
Zachary Vander Velden
Dean Sheather
Shane Sveller
Sakti Dwi Cahyono
Unnamed Sponsor


SeaQL is a community driven project. We welcome you to participate, contribute and together build for Rust's future.

Here is the roadmap for SeaORM 0.8.x.

GSoC 2022​

We are super excited to be selected as a Google Summer of Code 2022 mentor organization. Prospective contributors, please visit our GSoC 2022 Organization Profile!