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Version: 0.1.x


The Producer trait defines the common interface of stream producers. Producer implements Clone, so you can use it like an mpsc::Sender.

KafkaProducer and StdioProducer have more functions for transaction and flushing.


There is nothing interesting as of now. We may add some in the future.


Send a message to the already anchored stream. This function is non-blocking. You don’t have to await the future if you are not interested in the Receipt.

If the producer is not anchored, this will return StreamErr::NotAnchored error.


If you await the future, you will get a receipt composed of (StreamKey, ShardId, SeqNo, Timestamp). This usually means that the message has been received by the broker, but may not guarantee that the message is already persisted.


Like send, but to the specified stream key.


Lock this producer to a particular stream. This function can only be called once. Subsequent calls should return StreamErr::AlreadyAnchored error.


If the producer is already anchored, return a reference to the StreamKey. If the producer is not anchored, this will return StreamErr::NotAnchored error.