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Version: 0.3.x

Intra Process

Here is how you might organize a mid-to-large scale stream processing project. You have a number of crates implementing different processors, each depends on sea-streamer in a workspace. Now, you want to construct a downstream crate where you connect several processors together for testing.


You can execute tests involving several processors by setting Stdio's loopback option, where messages produced will be feed back to consumers in the same process.

It's just cargo test without any external dependency or side effects, so it's extremely quick to execute. Use a unique stream key for each test case. So if the tests fail, you will be able to diagnose the problem from the stdout log. You can check out the full example.

let stream = StreamKey::new("hello")?;
let mut options = StdioConnectOptions::default();
let streamer = StdioStreamer::connect(StreamerUri::zero(), options).await?;
let producer = streamer.create_producer(stream.clone(), Default::default()).await?;
let mut consumer = streamer.create_consumer(&[stream.clone()], Default::default()).await?;

for i in 0..5 {
let mess = format!("{}", i);

let seq = collect(&mut consumer, 5).await;
assert_eq!(seq, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);


You can produce-to and consume-from the same file with the File backend. You'd want to use a random file name to avoid interference with other processes.

The File backend is just a thin abstraction layer over tokio / async-std's async File IO. There is no network protocol involved, so it's as raw as it can be in terms of throughput.

Check out the full example.

use sea_streamer_file::FileId;
use sea_streamer_types::Timestamp;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;

pub fn temp_file(name: &str) -> Result<FileId, std::io::Error> {
let path = format!("/tmp/{name}");
let _file = OpenOptions::new()
.write(true) // Make sure we have write permission
.create_new(true) // Fail if this file already exists
