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Version: 0.11.x

Custom Select

By default, SeaORM will select all columns defined in the Column enum. You can override the defaults if you wish to select certain columns only.

// Selecting all columns
r#"SELECT "cake"."id", "cake"."name" FROM "cake""#

Select Partial Attributes

Clear the default selection by calling the select_only method. Then, you can select some of the attributes or custom expressions afterwards.

// Selecting the name column only
r#"SELECT "cake"."name" FROM "cake""#

If you want to select multiple attributes at once, you can supply an array.

.columns([cake::Column::Id, cake::Column::Name])
r#"SELECT "cake"."id", "cake"."name" FROM "cake""#

Advanced example: conditionally select all columns except a specific column.

.columns(cake::Column::iter().filter(|col| match col {
cake::Column::Id => false,
_ => true,
r#"SELECT "cake"."name" FROM "cake""#

Select Custom Expressions

Select any custom expression with column_as method, it takes any sea_query::SimpleExpr and an alias. Use sea_query::Expr helper to build SimpleExpr.

use sea_query::{Alias, Expr};

.column_as(Expr::col(cake::Column::Id).max().sub(Expr::col(cake::Column::Id)), "id_diff")
.column_as(Expr::cust("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"), "current_time")
r#"SELECT "cake"."id", "cake"."name", MAX("id") - "id" AS "id_diff", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS "current_time" FROM "cake""#

Handling Select Results

Custom Struct

You can use a custom struct derived from the FromQueryResult trait to handle the result of a complex query. It is especially useful when dealing with custom columns or multiple joins which cannot directly be converted into models. It may be used to receive the result of any query, even raw SQL.

use sea_orm::{FromQueryResult, JoinType, RelationTrait};
use sea_query::Expr;

struct CakeAndFillingCount {
id: i32,
name: String,
count: i32,

let cake_counts: Vec<CakeAndFillingCount> = cake::Entity::find()
.column_as(filling::Column::Id.count(), "count")
// construct `RelationDef` on the fly
// reuse a `Relation` from existing Entity
.join(JoinType::InnerJoin, cake_filling::Relation::Filling.def())

Unstructured Tuple

You can select a tuple (or single value) with the into_tuple method.

use sea_orm::{entity::*, query::*, tests_cfg::cake, DeriveColumn, EnumIter};

let res: Vec<(String, i64)> = cake::Entity::find()