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Version: 0.11.x


Query by raw SQL

You can select Model from raw query, with appropriate syntax for binding parameters, i.e. ? for MySQL and SQLite, and $N for PostgreSQL.

let cheese: Option<cake::Model> = cake::Entity::find()
r#"SELECT "cake"."id", "cake"."name" FROM "cake" WHERE "id" = $1"#,

You can also select a custom model. Here, we select all unique names from cake.

#[derive(Debug, FromQueryResult)]
pub struct UniqueCake {
name: String,

let unique: Vec<UniqueCake> = UniqueCake::find_by_statement(Statement::from_sql_and_values(
r#"SELECT "cake"."name" FROM "cake" GROUP BY "cake"."name"#,

If you do not know what your model looks like beforehand, you can use JsonValue.

let unique: Vec<JsonValue> = JsonValue::find_by_statement(Statement::from_sql_and_values(
r#"SELECT "cake"."name" FROM "cake" GROUP BY "cake"."name"#,

You can paginate SelectorRaw and fetch Model in batch.

let mut cake_pages = cake::Entity::find()
r#"SELECT "cake"."id", "cake"."name" FROM "cake" WHERE "id" = $1"#,
.paginate(db, 50);

while let Some(cakes) = cake_pages.fetch_and_next().await? {
// Do something on cakes: Vec<cake::Model>

Get raw SQL query

Use build and to_string methods on any CRUD operations to get the database-specific raw SQL for debugging purposes.

use sea_orm::DatabaseBackend;

cake_filling::Entity::find_by_id((6, 8))
"SELECT `cake_filling`.`cake_id`, `cake_filling`.`filling_id` FROM `cake_filling`",
"WHERE `cake_filling`.`cake_id` = 6 AND `cake_filling`.`filling_id` = 8",
].join(" ")

Use Raw Query & Execute Interface

You can build SQL statements using sea-query and query / execute it directly on the DatabaseConnection interface inside SeaORM.

Get Custom Result using query_one and query_all methods

let query_res: Option<QueryResult> = db
"SELECT * FROM `cake`;".to_owned(),
let query_res = query_res.unwrap();
let id: i32 = query_res.try_get("", "id")?;

let query_res_vec: Vec<QueryResult> = db
"SELECT * FROM `cake`;".to_owned(),

Execute Query using execute method

let exec_res: ExecResult = db
"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `sea`;".to_owned(),
assert_eq!(exec_res.rows_affected(), 1);

Execute Unprepared SQL Statement

You can execute an unprepared SQL statement with ConnectionTrait::execute_unprepared.

let exec_res: ExecResult =
db.execute_unprepared("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext").await?;