1.1. What is an ORM
1.2. Async Programming in Rust
1.3. SeaORM Concepts
1.4. Tutorial & Examples
Installation & Configuration
2.1 Choosing a Database & Async Runtime
2.3 Connection Pool
2.4 Debug Log
3.4 Seeding Data
Generating Entities
4.2 Entity Structure
4.4 Enumeration
Basic CRUD
5.1 SELECT: find, filter, sort, paging
5.2 INSERT: Model & ActiveModel, insert many
5.3 UPDATE: find & save, update many
5.5 DELETE: delete one & delete many
5.6 JSON
5.7 Raw SQL query
Advanced Topics
6.1 One to One
6.2 One to Many
6.3 Many to Many
6.5 Self Referencing
6.7 Bakery Schema
Writing Tests
7.1 Robust & Correct
7.2 Mock Interface
7.3 Using SQLite
Advanced Queries
8.1 Custom select
8.4 Custom Joins
8.5 Sub Query
8.6 Transaction
8.7 Streaming
Generating SeaQuery Statement
9.1 Create Table
9.2 Create Enum
9.3 Create Index
Internal Design
10.1 Traits and Types
10.2 Derive Macros
10.3 Compare with Diesel
10.4 Architecture