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What is SeaORM Pro

SeaORM Pro is an admin panel solution ...


The tech stack is RRLS (pronounced release!): React, Rust, Loco, SeaQL. These four technologies form a full-stack solution for building data-centric applications.

  • Frontend: Ant Design React
  • Backend:
  • Data access: Seaography + SeaORM
  • Database: MySQL / PostgreSQL / SQLite / SQL Server*
  • Language: Rust


Table View

There are two kinds of table view in SeaORM Pro, raw table and composite table:

Raw Table

Each raw table corresponds to a table in the database, by default it will display all columns for all tables. You can configure the displayed columns and other settings via TOML.

Composite Table

This is where SeaORM Pro shine. Afterall, SQL is relational! You can construct table views with data joining from multiple related tables. The underlying GraphQL query can be deeply nested.

Data from parent-child relations (e.g. Order -> OrderItem) are represented as collapsible nested tables. You can configure the settings via TOML.

Editable Form


Upcoming Features