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One to One

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A one-to-one relation is the most basic type of database relation. Let say a Cake entity has at most one Fruit topping.

Defining the Relation

On the Cake entity, to define the relation:

  1. Add a new variant Fruit to the Relation enum.
  2. Define it with Entity::has_one().
  3. Implement the Related<Entity> trait.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter)]
pub enum Relation {

impl RelationTrait for Relation {
fn def(&self) -> RelationDef {
match self {
Self::Fruit => Entity::has_one(super::fruit::Entity).into(),

impl Related<super::fruit::Entity> for Entity {
fn to() -> RelationDef {

Alternatively, the definition can be shortened by the DeriveRelation macro, where the following eliminates the need for the RelationTrait implementation above:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)]
pub enum Relation {
#[sea_orm(has_one = "super::fruit::Entity")]

// `Related` trait has to be implemented by hand
impl Related<super::fruit::Entity> for Entity {
fn to() -> RelationDef {

Defining the Inverse Relation

On the Fruit entity, its cake_id attribute is referencing the primary key of Cake entity.

To define the inverse relation:

  1. Add a new enum variant Relation::Cake to the Fruit entity.
  2. Write the definition of it with the Entity::belongs_to() method, we always define the inverse relation using this method.
  3. Implement the Related<cake::Entity> trait.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter)]
pub enum Relation {

impl RelationTrait for Relation {
fn def(&self) -> RelationDef {
match self {
Self::Cake => Entity::belongs_to(super::cake::Entity)

impl Related<super::cake::Entity> for Entity {
fn to() -> RelationDef {

Alternatively, the definition can be shortened by the DeriveRelation macro, where the following eliminates the need for the RelationTrait implementation above:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, EnumIter, DeriveRelation)]
pub enum Relation {
belongs_to = "super::cake::Entity",
from = "Column::CakeId",
to = "super::cake::Column::Id"

// `Related` trait has to be implemented by hand
impl Related<super::cake::Entity> for Entity {
fn to() -> RelationDef {