Mock Interface
You can unit test your application logic using the mock database interface.
You need to enable the mock
feature flag in Cargo.toml.
The mock database has no data in it, so you have to define the expected data to be returned when CRUD operations are performed.
- The query result should be provided to support select operations
- The exec result should be provided to support insert, update, and delete operations
To ensure the correctness of your application logic, you can also validate the transaction log in the mock database.
Check out how we write unit tests using mock connection here.
Mocking Query Result
We create a mock database for PostgreSQL with MockDatabase::new(DatabaseBackend::Postgres)
. Then, query results are prepared using the append_query_results
method. Note that we pass a vector of vectors to it, representing multiple query results, each with more than one model. Finally, we convert it into a connection and use it to perform CRUD operations just like a normal live connection.
One special thing about MockDatabase
is that you can check the transaction log of it. Any SQL query run on the mock database will be recorded; you can validate each of the log to ensure the correctness of your application logic.
mod tests {
use sea_orm::{
entity::prelude::*, entity::*, tests_cfg::*,
DatabaseBackend, MockDatabase, Transaction,
async fn test_find_cake() -> Result<(), DbErr> {
// Create MockDatabase with mock query results
let db = MockDatabase::new(DatabaseBackend::Postgres)
// First query result
vec![cake::Model {
id: 1,
name: "New York Cheese".to_owned(),
// Second query result
cake::Model {
id: 1,
name: "New York Cheese".to_owned(),
cake::Model {
id: 2,
name: "Chocolate Forest".to_owned(),
// Third query result
cake::Model {
id: 1,
name: "Apple Cake".to_owned(),
fruit::Model {
id: 2,
name: "Apple".to_owned(),
cake_id: Some(1),
// Find a cake from MockDatabase
// Return the first query result
Some(cake::Model {
id: 1,
name: "New York Cheese".to_owned(),
// Find all cakes from MockDatabase
// Return the second query result
cake::Model {
id: 1,
name: "New York Cheese".to_owned(),
cake::Model {
id: 2,
name: "Chocolate Forest".to_owned(),
// Find all cakes with its related fruits
cake::Model {
id: 1,
name: "Apple Cake".to_owned(),
Some(fruit::Model {
id: 2,
name: "Apple".to_owned(),
cake_id: Some(1),
// Checking transaction log
r#"SELECT "cake"."id", "cake"."name" FROM "cake" LIMIT $1"#,
r#"SELECT "cake"."id", "cake"."name" FROM "cake""#,
r#"SELECT "cake"."id" AS "A_id", "cake"."name" AS "A_name", "fruit"."id" AS "B_id", "fruit"."name" AS "B_name", "fruit"."cake_id" AS "B_cake_id" FROM "cake" LEFT JOIN "fruit" ON "cake"."id" = "fruit"."cake_id""#,
Mocking Execution Result
This is very similar to mocking query result, the differences are that we use the append_exec_results
method here and we perform insert, update, and delete operations here in the unit test. The append_exec_results
method takes a vector of MockExecResult
, each representing the exec result of the corresponding operation.
mod tests {
use sea_orm::{
entity::prelude::*, entity::*, tests_cfg::*,
DatabaseBackend, MockDatabase, MockExecResult, Transaction,
async fn test_insert_cake() -> Result<(), DbErr> {
// Create MockDatabase with mock execution result
let db = MockDatabase::new(DatabaseBackend::Postgres)
[cake::Model {
id: 15,
name: "Apple Pie".to_owned(),
[cake::Model {
id: 16,
name: "Apple Pie".to_owned(),
MockExecResult {
last_insert_id: 15,
rows_affected: 1,
MockExecResult {
last_insert_id: 16,
rows_affected: 1,
// Prepare the ActiveModel
let apple = cake::ActiveModel {
name: Set("Apple Pie".to_owned()),
// Insert the ActiveModel into MockDatabase
cake::Model {
id: 15,
name: "Apple Pie".to_owned()
// If you want to check the last insert id
let insert_result = cake::Entity::insert(apple).exec(&db).await?;
assert_eq!(insert_result.last_insert_id, 16);
// Checking transaction log
r#"INSERT INTO "cake" ("name") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "id", "name""#,
["Apple Pie".into()]
r#"INSERT INTO "cake" ("name") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "id""#,
["Apple Pie".into()]