Basic CRUD Operations

In this section, we showcase how to perform basic operations with the schema we've defined.

use the Entities

The entities are the Rust representation of the tables in the database. SeaORM enables us to make use of those entities to perform operations on the database programmatically.

fn main() {
// src/

+ mod entities;


+ use entities::{prelude::*, *};


Insert and Update

Insert and update operations can be performed using ActiveModel of the entities.

Let's insert a new bakery called Happy Bakery into our Bakery table.

fn main() {
// src/


- use sea_orm::{ConnectionTrait, Database, DbBackend, DbErr, Statement};
+ use sea_orm::*;


async fn run() -> Result<(), DbErr> {


    let happy_bakery = bakery::ActiveModel {
        name: ActiveValue::Set("Happy Bakery".to_owned()),
        profit_margin: ActiveValue::Set(0.0),
    let res = Bakery::insert(happy_bakery).exec(db).await?;

Suppose, later on, the owner of Happy Bakery adopts a brand new perspective of life, and renames it to Sad Bakery.

We can perform the update as follows:

fn main() {
let sad_bakery = bakery::ActiveModel {
    id: ActiveValue::Set(res.last_insert_id),
    name: ActiveValue::Set("Sad Bakery".to_owned()),
    profit_margin: ActiveValue::NotSet,

Let's welcome John, the first employee of Sad Bakery!

fn main() {
let john = chef::ActiveModel {
    name: ActiveValue::Set("John".to_owned()),
    bakery_id: ActiveValue::Set(res.last_insert_id), // a foreign key

Find (single entity)

We can find all or some of the bakeries in the database as follows:

fn main() {
// Finding all is built-in
let bakeries: Vec<bakery::Model> = Bakery::find().all(db).await?;
assert_eq!(bakeries.len(), 1);

// Finding by id is built-in
let sad_bakery: Option<bakery::Model> = Bakery::find_by_id(1).one(db).await?;
assert_eq!(sad_bakery.unwrap().name, "Sad Bakery");

// Finding by arbitrary column with `filter()`
let sad_bakery: Option<bakery::Model> = Bakery::find()
    .filter(bakery::Column::Name.eq("Sad Bakery"))
assert_eq!(sad_bakery.unwrap().id, 1);

For relational select on multiple entities, visit the next section.


Sadly, Sad Bakery is unable to survive in the rapidly changing economy; it has been forced to liquidate!

We have no choice but to remove its entry in our database:

fn main() {
let john = chef::ActiveModel {
    id: ActiveValue::Set(1), // The primary key must be set

let sad_bakery = bakery::ActiveModel {
    id: ActiveValue::Set(1), // The primary key must be set

let bakeries: Vec<bakery::Model> = Bakery::find().all(db).await?;